Disc herniations are one of the most common conditions that we see in our office. Patients come in wondering if we can help them because they don’t want to have surgery. The positive results we see are no accident; a new study found that Lumbar Disc Herniations do not necessitate the need for surgery. About 2/3 of Disc Herniations will re-absorb following conservative treatment (Chiropractic, Exercise, etc..). “The phenomenon of Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH) re-absorption is well recognized. Because its overall incidence is now 66.66% according to our results, conservative treatment may become the first choice of treatment for LDH.”* What does this mean for you? It means that by utilizing conservative care you can achieve the pain relief and return to normalcy that you seek. This new research along with the new standards on low back pain stating that opiates and other pain killers are ineffective when treating low back pain, makes choosing safe and effective chiropractic care the easy choice. If you, a family member or friend are suffering with a herniated disc, sciatica or low back pain contact us today to get started on the road to pain free health. *http://www.painphysicianjournal.com/linkout?issn=1533-3159&vol=20&page=E45
Jun 02, 2020 at 2:49 PM
In surgery, minimally invasive treatments are becoming common, and surgeons utilize minor surgical techniques to correct building disc problems.